Artnextdoor's Blog

My place to be creative

It’s raining

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I hate to state the obvious but it’s raining and it’s half term for my youngest child, who has been waiting patiently for this week so he can go to the cricket club for a few days of playing his favourite game…. Not much playing today!

Today feels like one of those days endured when I was a child, away from home on the family camping holiday, stuck in the tent with everything feeling damp, nothing to do except watch the rain.  Cornwall in the rain in the 1970’s was awful, especially if the camp site consisted of two tents in a farmers field.  All we heard was the constant nagging to mind the walls.  “If you touch the walls the tent will leak!”  It was always cold! Food consisted of what my children call war rations; tinned stewing meat, tinned potatoes, tinned carrots, tinned peas and if we were lucky we had tinned peaches with tinned cream for pudding.  It was luxury if we got a Fray Bentos pie, although that needed an oven, which we didn’t have until my parents bought a caravan.  Sadly I do not have any photos of these events.

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